
Rahmat Syahputra Sarialun

Abstract / Deskripsi:
Introduction: Smokers are very easily be encountered in daily life, almost every place we could see people who do it such as in environment of home, office, public transportation, streets and other public areas. Now smoking is not only consumed by adults, but also teenagers and even children have started to recognize a cigarette and tried to smoking. advertising could be an important media for teens to obtain the information about smoking. The role of cigarette advertising in both the mass media and billboards streets are able to motivate them to try smoking. Research Purpose: The general research purpose of this study is to determine is there a relationship between exposure the cigarette advertising against smoking behavior of students in Institute Health Science Muhammadiyah Samarinda. Methods: The analytic survey research design with cross sectional design, and sampling technique is by using slovin methods and stratified propotional random sampling technique to obtain a representative sample. The sample in this study are 79 respondents, the data were collected by using a questionnaire to determine the relationship exposure the cigarette advertising and smoking behavior of students. Results: Based on the research that has been done by Rank Spearman test, the value of P-Value 0.006, this value is smaller than the significance level 0.05, so that there is a relationship between exposure the cigarette advertising and smoking behavior in students STIKES Muhammadiyah Samarinda 2016. Viewed spearman correlation values in this study with the number 0.307 are in vulnerable from 0.20 to 0.39 in the table meaning spearman correlation, then even if there is a relationship, but the relationship was still weak. Conclusion: There is a relationship exposure tthe cigarette advertising and smoking behavior of students Institute Health Science Muhammadiyah Samarinda in 2016, but the correlation between the two variables are weak.

Pembimbing Sri Sunarti , Ainur Rachman
Kategori s1 kesehatan masyarakat ,
Kata kunci behavior , exposure the cigarette advertising , smoke. ,
Penerbit Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur
Tahun 2015-12-15
Bahasa indonesia
Jenis skripsi
Halaman 12 Halaman
Hak Cipta Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur